Test Automation of CKAN Customize Extension

目前,已經自行建立了一個 ckanext-ytdataservice extension
實做客製化套件 (e.g., ytdataservice) 的自動化測試,結果不含CKAN核心測試


以下是要使用到的檔案列表,我們假設所在目錄為 ~/ckan/lib/default/src/
  • ./ckanext-ytdataservice/ckanext/ytdataservice/tests/test_ytdataservice.py
  • ./ckanext-ytdataservice/ckanext/ytdataservice/plugin_v4.py
  • ./ckanext-ytdataservice/ckanext/ytdataservice/plugin_v5_custom_config_setting.py
  • ./ckanext-ytdataservice/ckanext/ytdataservice/plugin_v6_parent_auth_functions.py
  • ./ckan/test-core.ini
  • ./ckan/setup.py
  • ./ckanext-ytdataservice/ckanext/ytdataservice/plugin.py
  • 特別注意,這個跟假設所在目錄不同 ~/ckan/etc/default/development.ini
  • Installing CKAN from source


  1. 架設好CKAN 2.7.2的 Development 環境
  2. 已經自行創建名為 ytdataservice 的extension,做到 We’re done!,確認完成plugin.py
  3. Extension的所在目錄為 ~/ckan/lib/default/src/ckanext-ytdataservice,就不用改路徑
  4. 確認在python虛擬環境(Virtualenv),再執行指令
  5. 進入虛擬環境後在 ~/ckan/lib/default/src/ckan/ 與 ~/ckan/lib/default/src/ckanext-ytdataservice/ 目錄下
    python setup.py develop


  1. 基於development.ini修改 test-core.ini


    # Specify the Postgres database for SQLAlchemy to use
    sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://ckan_default:<YOUR_PASSWORD>@localhost/ckan_test
    ## Datastore
    ckan.datastore.write_url = postgresql://ckan_default:<YOUR_PASSWORD>@localhost/datastore_test
    ckan.datastore.read_url = postgresql://datastore_default:<YOUR_PASSWORD>@localhost/datastore_test
    • Set the permissions 這裡是在~/ckan/lib/default/src/ckan/下執行
  2. 初始化測試用資料庫,在 ~/ckan/lib/default/src/ckan目錄下,執行以下指令
    paster db init -c test-core.ini


若是完全按照官網新增ckanext-iauthfunctions的 extension
在 ~/ckan/lib/default/src/ckan/ckanext/example_iauthfunctions 也已經有自動化測試程式碼
  1. 基於這篇官方文件的test_iauthfunctions.py
    置換example_iauthfunctions成ytdataservice,新增並改寫成 test_ytdataservice.py


    # encoding: utf-8
    '''Tests for the ckanext.ytdataservice extension.
    from nose.tools import assert_raises
    from nose.tools import assert_equal
    import ckan.model as model
    import ckan.plugins
    from ckan.plugins.toolkit import NotAuthorized, ObjectNotFound
    import ckan.tests.factories as factories
    import ckan.logic as logic
    import ckan.tests.helpers as helpers
    class TestytdataservicePluginV6ParentAuthFunctions(object):
        '''Tests for the ckanext.ytdataservice.plugin module.
        Specifically tests that overriding parent auth functions will cause
        child auth functions to use the overridden version.
        def setup_class(cls):
            '''Nose runs this method once to setup our test class.'''
            # Test code should use CKAN's plugins.load() function to load plugins
            # to be tested.
        def teardown(self):
            '''Nose runs this method after each test method in our test class.'''
            # Rebuild CKAN's database after each test method, so that each test
            # method runs with a clean slate.
        def teardown_class(cls):
            '''Nose runs this method once after all the test methods in our class
            have been run.
            # We have to unload the plugin we loaded, so it doesn't affect any
            # tests that run after ours.
        def test_resource_delete_editor(self):
            '''Normally organization admins can delete resources
            Our plugin prevents this by blocking delete organization.
            Ensure the delete button is not displayed (as only resource delete
            is checked for showing this)
            user = factories.User()
            owner_org = factories.Organization(
                users=[{'name': user['id'], 'capacity': 'admin'}]
            dataset = factories.Dataset(owner_org=owner_org['id'])
            resource = factories.Resource(package_id=dataset['id'])
            with assert_raises(logic.NotAuthorized) as e:
                logic.check_access('resource_delete', {'user': user['name']}, {'id': resource['id']})
            assert_equal(e.exception.message, 'User %s not authorized to delete resource %s' % (user['name'], resource['id']))
        def test_resource_delete_sysadmin(self):
            '''Normally organization admins can delete resources
            Our plugin prevents this by blocking delete organization.
            Ensure the delete button is not displayed (as only resource delete
            is checked for showing this)
            user = factories.Sysadmin()
            owner_org = factories.Organization(
                users=[{'name': user['id'], 'capacity': 'admin'}]
            dataset = factories.Dataset(owner_org=owner_org['id'])
            resource = factories.Resource(package_id=dataset['id'])
            assert_equal(logic.check_access('resource_delete', {'user': user['name']}, {'id': resource['id']}), True)
    class TestytdataserviceCustomConfigSetting(object):
        '''Tests for the plugin_v5_custom_config_setting module.
        def setup_class(cls):
            if not ckan.plugins.plugin_loaded('ytdataservice_v5_custom_config_setting'):
        def teardown_class(cls):
        def teardown(self):
            # Delete any stuff that's been created in the db, so it doesn't
            # interfere with the next test.
        @helpers.change_config('ckan.ytdataservice.users_can_create_groups', False)
        def test_sysadmin_can_create_group_when_config_is_False(self):
            sysadmin = factories.Sysadmin()
            context = {
                'ignore_auth': False,
                'user': sysadmin['name']
            helpers.call_action('group_create', context, name='test-group')
        @helpers.change_config('ckan.ytdataservice.users_can_create_groups', False)
        def test_user_cannot_create_group_when_config_is_False(self):
            user = factories.User()
            context = {
                'ignore_auth': False,
                'user': user['name']
                NotAuthorized, helpers.call_action, 'group_create',
                context, name='test-group')
        @helpers.change_config('ckan.ytdataservice.users_can_create_groups', False)
        def test_visitor_cannot_create_group_when_config_is_False(self):
            context = {
                'ignore_auth': False,
                'user': None
                NotAuthorized, helpers.call_action, 'group_create',
                context, name='test-group')
        @helpers.change_config('ckan.ytdataservice.users_can_create_groups', True)
        def test_sysadmin_can_create_group_when_config_is_True(self):
            sysadmin = factories.Sysadmin()
            context = {
                'ignore_auth': False,
                'user': sysadmin['name']
            helpers.call_action('group_create', context, name='test-group')
        @helpers.change_config('ckan.ytdataservice.users_can_create_groups', True)
        def test_user_can_create_group_when_config_is_True(self):
            user = factories.User()
            context = {
                'ignore_auth': False,
                'user': user['name']
            helpers.call_action('group_create', context, name='test-group')
        @helpers.change_config('ckan.ytdataservice.users_can_create_groups', True)
        def test_visitor_cannot_create_group_when_config_is_True(self):
            context = {
                'ignore_auth': False,
                'user': None
                NotAuthorized, helpers.call_action, 'group_create',
                context, name='test-group')
    class BaseTest(object):
        def teardown(self):
            # Rebuild CKAN's database after each test method, so that each test
            # method runs with a clean slate.
        def _make_curators_group(self):
            '''This is a helper method for test methods to call when they want
            the 'curators' group to be created.
            sysadmin = factories.Sysadmin()
            # Create a user who will *not* be a member of the curators group.
            noncurator = factories.User()
            # Create a user who will be a member of the curators group.
            curator = factories.User()
            # Create the curators group, with the 'curator' user as a member.
            users = [{'name': curator['name'], 'capacity': 'member'}]
            context = {
                'ignore_auth': False,
                'user': sysadmin['name']
            curators_group = helpers.call_action(
                'group_create', context, name='curators', users=users)
            return (noncurator, curator, curators_group)
    class TestytdataservicePluginV4(BaseTest):
        '''Tests for the ckanext.ytdataservice.plugin module.
        def setup_class(cls):
            '''Nose runs this method once to setup our test class.'''
            # Test code should use CKAN's plugins.load() function to load plugins
            # to be tested.
            if not ckan.plugins.plugin_loaded('ytdataservice_v4'):
        def teardown_class(cls):
            '''Nose runs this method once after all the test methods in our class
            have been run.
            # We have to unload the plugin we loaded, so it doesn't affect anyexample_iauthfunctions
            # tests that run after ours.
        def test_group_create_with_no_curators_group(self):
            '''Test that group_create doesn't crash when there's no curators group.
            sysadmin = factories.Sysadmin()
            # Make sure there's no curators group.
            assert 'curators' not in helpers.call_action('group_list', {})
            # Make our sysadmin user create a group. CKAN should not crash.
            context = {
                'ignore_auth': False,
                'user': sysadmin['name']
            helpers.call_action('group_create', context, name='test-group')
        def test_group_create_with_visitor(self):
            '''A visitor (not logged in) should not be able to create a group.
            Note: this also tests that the group_create auth function doesn't
            crash when the user isn't logged in.
            noncurator, curator, curators_group = self._make_curators_group()
            context = {
                'ignore_auth': False,
                'user': None
                NotAuthorized, helpers.call_action, 'group_create',
                context, name='this_group_should_not_be_created')
        def test_group_create_with_non_curator(self):
            '''A user who isn't a member of the curators group should not be able
            to create a group.
            noncurator, curator, curators_group = self._make_curators_group()
            context = {
                'ignore_auth': False,
                'user': noncurator['name']
                NotAuthorized, helpers.call_action, 'group_create',
                context, name='this_group_should_not_be_created')
        def test_group_create_with_curator(self):
            '''A member of the curators group should be able to create a group.
            noncurator, curator, curators_group = self._make_curators_group()
            name = 'my-new-group'
            context = {
                'ignore_auth': False,
                'user': curator['name']
            result = helpers.call_action(
                'group_create', context, name=name)
            assert result['name'] == name
  2. 參考這裡的程式碼,修改並於對應目錄新增以下檔案:
    plugin_v4.py、plugin_v5_custom_config_setting.py 與 plugin_v6_parent_auth_functions.py


    # encoding: utf-8
    import ckan.plugins as plugins
    import ckan.plugins.toolkit as toolkit
    def group_create(context, data_dict=None):
        # Get the user name of the logged-in user.
        user_name = context['user']
        # Get a list of the members of the 'curators' group.
            members = toolkit.get_action('member_list')(
                data_dict={'id': 'curators', 'object_type': 'user'})
        except toolkit.ObjectNotFound:
            # The curators group doesn't exist.
            return {'success': False,
                    'msg': "The curators groups doesn't exist, so only sysadmins "
                           "are authorized to create groups."}
        # 'members' is a list of (user_id, object_type, capacity) tuples, we're
        # only interested in the user_ids.
        member_ids = [member_tuple[0] for member_tuple in members]
        # We have the logged-in user's user name, get their user id.
        convert_user_name_or_id_to_id = toolkit.get_converter(
            user_id = convert_user_name_or_id_to_id(user_name, context)
        except toolkit.Invalid:
            # The user doesn't exist (e.g. they're not logged-in).
            return {'success': False,
                    'msg': 'You must be logged-in as a member of the curators '
                           'group to create new groups.'}
        # Finally, we can test whether the user is a member of the curators group.
        if user_id in member_ids:
            return {'success': True}
            return {'success': False,
                    'msg': 'Only curators are allowed to create groups'}
    class YtdataservicePlugin(plugins.SingletonPlugin):
        def get_auth_functions(self):
            return {'group_create': group_create}


    # encoding: utf-8
    from ckan.common import config
    import ckan.plugins as plugins
    import ckan.plugins.toolkit as toolkit
    def group_create(context, data_dict=None):
        # Get the value of the ckan.iauthfunctions.users_can_create_groups
        # setting from the CKAN config file as a string, or False if the setting
        # isn't in the config file.
        users_can_create_groups = config.get(
            'ckan.ytdataservice.users_can_create_groups', False)
        # Convert the value from a string to a boolean.
        users_can_create_groups = toolkit.asbool(users_can_create_groups)
        if users_can_create_groups:
            return {'success': True}
            return {'success': False,
                    'msg': 'Only sysadmins can create groups'}
    class YtdataservicePlugin(plugins.SingletonPlugin):
        def get_auth_functions(self):
            return {'group_create': group_create}


    # encoding: utf-8
    from ckan.common import config
    import ckan.plugins as plugins
    import ckan.plugins.toolkit as toolkit
    def package_delete(context, data_dict=None):
        return {'success': False,
                'msg': 'Only sysadmins can delete packages'}
    class YtdataservicePlugin(plugins.SingletonPlugin):
        def get_auth_functions(self):
            return {'package_delete': package_delete}
  3. 設定 setup.py 以準備載入對應的plugin


    在 'ckan.plugins': [ 區塊內的最下方新增三個測試用的plugin
        'ckan.plugins': [
            'synchronous_search = ckan.lib.search:SynchronousSearchPlugin',
            'stats = ckanext.stats.plugin:StatsPlugin',
            'publisher_form = ckanext.publisher_form.forms:PublisherForm',
            'ytdataservice_v4 = ckanext.ytdataservice.plugin_v4:YtdataservicePlugin',
            'ytdataservice_v5_custom_config_setting = ckanext.ytdataservice.plugin_v5_custom_config_setting:YtdataservicePlugin',
            'ytdataservice_v6_parent_auth_functions = ckanext.ytdataservice.plugin_v6_parent_auth_functions:YtdataservicePlugin',
  4. 於 ~/ckan/lib/default/src/ckan 下,執行以下指令
    python setup.py develop
  5. 於 ~/ckan/lib/default/src/ckanext-ytdataservice 下,執行以下指令
    nosetests --ckan --with-pylons=test.ini ckanext/ytdataservice/tests

參考用程式碼,裡面有包含之前製作tab的 routing rule,只要看 4-38, 40, 43, 63, 64行即可
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
import ckan.plugins as plugins import ckan.plugins.toolkit as toolkit def group_create(context, data_dict=None): # Get the user name of the logged-in user. user_name = context['user'] # Get a list of the members of the 'curators' group. try: members = toolkit.get_action('member_list')( data_dict={'id': 'curators', 'object_type': 'user'}) except toolkit.ObjectNotFound: # The curators group doesn't exist. return {'success': False, 'msg': "The curators groups doesn't exist, so only sysadmins " "are authorized to create groups."} # 'members' is a list of (user_id, object_type, capacity) tuples, we're # only interested in the user_ids. member_ids = [member_tuple[0] for member_tuple in members] # We have the logged-in user's user name, get their user id. convert_user_name_or_id_to_id = toolkit.get_converter( 'convert_user_name_or_id_to_id') try: user_id = convert_user_name_or_id_to_id(user_name, context) except toolkit.Invalid: # The user doesn't exist (e.g. they're not logged-in). return {'success': False, 'msg': 'You must be logged-in as a member of the curators ' 'group to create new groups.'} # Finally, we can test whether the user is a member of the curators group. if user_id in member_ids: return {'success': True} else: return {'success': False, 'msg': 'Only curators are allowed to create groups'} class YtdataservicePlugin(plugins.SingletonPlugin): plugins.implements(plugins.IConfigurer) plugins.implements(plugins.IRoutes) plugins.implements(plugins.IAuthFunctions) # IConfigurer def update_config(self, config_): toolkit.add_template_directory(config_, 'templates') toolkit.add_public_directory(config_, 'public') toolkit.add_resource('fanstatic', 'ytdataservice') # IRoutes def before_map(self, map): map.connect('cookData','/cookingData', controller='ckanext.ytdataservice.controllers:cookDataController', action='firstPage') map.connect('browseData','/cookingData/browseData', controller='ckanext.ytdataservice.controllers:cookDataController', action='browseData') map.connect('addData','/cookingData/addData', controller='ckanext.ytdataservice.controllers:cookDataController', action='addData') map.connect('cleanData','/cookingData/cleanData', controller='ckanext.ytdataservice.controllers:cookDataController', action='cleanData') map.connect('mergeData','/cookingData/mergeData', controller='ckanext.ytdataservice.controllers:cookDataController', action='mergeData') return map def after_map(self, map): return map def get_auth_functions(self): return {'group_create': group_create}
